pyDSO: Very simple python app to control your DSO150 and to take snapshot


I finally went back to this topic.


The main idea is to use a usb CDC/ACM link (~ serial) to control the DSO1505 from your PC. 

Of course, you'll need to connect a micro usb header to the D+/D- pins on the DSO150.

 It is easy to do, the D+/D- spots are neatly marked on the PCB

/!\ if a USB cable is plugged, you may be grounding the DSO , be careful.

/!\ The FNIRSI style boards are using these pins to detect the AC/DC setting, you CANNOT use USB on the FNIRSI style boards.

The end result looks like this :

The app is very basic. It offers simple control (voltage range/time base/trigger) and more importantly the ability to retrieve nice screenshots from the DSO without using you phone (it creates output.png).

The snapshots are like this :

The code to run is  python_usb_control/graphical_py_app/

You'll need pyQt5+pySerial installed.

Under the hood, a very simple protobuf-based RPC is being used, so that it is relatively portable to any language supported by protobuf.

NB: The pending lnDSO150 code is on github, no formal release yet.


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