GD32F303 + DSO 150 = :)

As said previously, the GD32F303 is close to the F103, with more ram (48kB), more flash (256 kB) and...a better ADC

On the DSO shell/150, i swapped the STM32F103 with a GD32F303 and after some tuning here is the end result :

  • Most of the code runs fine, only exception is rotary encoder i had to move to PB14/PB15. Probably the init code that is not correct.
  • The GD32 has more dividers for the ADC, it means that when running at 96 Mhz, no need to duplicate/drop samples as we can find an exact frequency divider for the "fast" rates.
  • The unit runs fine at 96 Mhz, including the screen. With the "zero wait state" nature of the GD32 (it uses ram), the unit is now almost ~ 2x faster !

We have enough horsepower to add a second channel, just saying...

Some others features that are interesting to look at later :

  • Scan mode : To sample continuously
  • Hardware oversampling/ average : For free !
  • It is a cortex M4, it has some DSP style instructions

So far i like the GD32F303. It runs the F103 code without problem and there are some interesting features.
In addition it is really cheap (~ 1.5$)


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