lnBMP running on a CH32V303

The lnBMP is a project using the blackmagic probe core + a gdb remote protocol parser written in rust, on top of the lnArduino framework.

As it is running on lnArduino, i'm making sure it works also on the CH32v3x chips

You can see from left to right  :

1- The bluepill board under debug

2-  lnBlackmagic running on a homeboard based on  CH32v303

3- The WCH debugger to debug the CH32V303

I ported a basic tinyusb driver for the ch32v3x so now it works to some extent!

That WCH chip is pretty good, plenty of flash, plenty of ram, 144 Mhz, FPU, plenty of IO and compatible largely with the good ol' STM32F103.


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