LTC3780, preparing the board
First, let's remove the 3.3k resistor that ties Feedback to the ground.
That's that one :
Remove the voltage potentiometer. Ive replaced it with a header. The pinout on the below picture is :
VO (Green)
VO (Green)
Cut the small track between the 2 Vos so that the middle one is connected to nothing.
On the back let's put a small perf board (with the usual craftmanship) that does the wiring described in the previous post, except the digital pot. i.e.
Red : Direct feedback, we'll use that later for current control.
Green(middle) : Voltage potentiometer (0..110k) referenced to ground.
Green(bottom) : VOut
Power it on with nothing connected : Vo=1.6v = 2xFeedback = as expected since FB=vo/2 (two 100k resistors), the current is very small the diode effect is ~0.
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