Improved current limiting, end

Just need to update the software and do the calibration.

The software is available on gdrive

It can be built using either the arduino ide or arduino-cmake .

To do the calibration :

1- Uncomment the #ifdef DEBUG_MEASURE in power_screen.cpp
2- Put a power resistor (20w 10 Ohm for example) and put high voltage
3- Turn down the limiting pot to the values of interest (100 mA, 250 mA,...2500 mA)
4- For each value note down the value in the bottom left, that's the ADC measure
5- Comment again #ifdef DEBUG_MEASURE in power_screen.cpp

Now that we have the calibration values (10 of them is nice), we'll fill the  extrapol[] array in the .ino file with them

Left column is the current in mA
Right column is the value measured by the ADC

So for example {1500, 450} means that current was limited to 1500 mA  and the ADC value was 450

My values are, for reference
  {3400,1024}   // Not actually measured, just to have a limit

The software will do simple extrapolation from those calibration values

The end result display looks  like that, and it works

The control board is glued to the top of the case,


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