
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to waste time making tinyUSB work on GD32F303

 How to spend 2 days on silly things while porting tinyUSB to GD32F303/lnArduino : Be absolutely sure to put the GD32F303 on a bluepill PCB with a bad R10 (i.e. 10k instead of 1.5k) Be absolutely sure to have a dodgy usb connector on that bluepill board (of course it's even better if you bought a full box of replacement usb connectors of all sizes). Use a bad usb cable The only thing that was an actual real problem is you have to pull down PA12/D+ for ~ 10 ms so that the device is re-detected after reset (thanks Google, RogerClark, victor_pv,...) Oh well, it kinda works now.

Using Atom as a C/C++ Ide (linux)

I dont like heavyweight IDEs such as eclipse or even VSCode/Codium. I much prefer light ones, such as netbeans.  I want them to be just a thin wrapper on top of my CMake projects, and that they start in a second or so. For quick edit, (N)Vim +   coc.vim  is incredibly powerful, but for big projects i  prefer something more comfortable. So i gave Atom  a try, and it's pretty good. Really good actually. The thing is you have to install a bunch of plugins to configure it to be a C/C++ IDE.  And as a bonus, the code completion setup is similar to the setup for coc.vim, so i can setup it once, and it works for both. Coc.vim is superior imho for c++, but the Atom is more confortable for large projects. Atom configuration So here we go (ubunto 20, it 's a bit more complicated for windows but similar ( use chocolatey for example) : 1- Install   Atom  . Nothing special here. 2- Install the following plugins. Edit->Preferences->Install linte...