CH32V3, debug in ram with vscode continued
Summary of previous episodes (CH32v3): 1- Reallocate shadow ram to have 128k of RAM 2- In flash, put a basic harmless loop 3- Tweak the linker script to put everything in ram 4- Load the code (to ram), change the PC to the code in ram 5- You now upload much faster with infinite software breakpoints Vscode You can use the cortexm extension with riscv, it works fine with one caveat : you cannot "attach" You can only "launch" (this is specific to riscv) and that's the root of the problem. The init script looks like this : { "name" : "riscv GCC (pico)" , "type" : "gdb" , "request" : "launch" , "cwd" : "${workspaceRoot}" , "target" : "${workspaceRoot}/build/swindle_bootloader_ch32v3x_GCC_DEBUG.elf" , "gdbpath" : "${config:riscv_gdb}" , "breakAfterReset...